Thursday, February 28, 2008

TICKLE PAIN (the worst kind)

Hello blog and fellow bloggers.  I am okay.  The picture you see above is a head injury caused in Sam's club.  I didn't sue.  I didn't even show them what happened.  A matter of fact, I didn't want to show anyone but heads were turning and eyes were watching, my head, bleeding head.  I LOVE the smell of coffee!  I was disappointed that I couldn't smell it as I walk by, so I turned around and got a little closer....too close.  "Serves you right", shouts Felicia as I run past her down the isle. It wasn't so much in my head, but my toes, my bellybutton, behind my knees (popliteal fossa), and my bum cheeks clinched to dull the tickle behind them, that tickle pain.  That's because, as you can see, it wasn't a blunt hit but a sharp one.  

Tell me of your tickle pain experiences.   


Amy said...

Number One, I love the picture of Felicia. Number Two, what happened? You did not give enough info there bro. You like to smell coffee, you turned around and got close to what? A coffee grinder, a woman holding her coffee and a baton? Huh? Sorry about your head though. Ouch.

Em said...

ew. that picture is AWFUL JOHN! especially with the color emphasis. yucky yuck.

please. do tell more.

and Felicia's picture is as cute as you're is gross. :D

Jen said...

Felicia how cute are you girl! It's about time you put a picture of her on your blog! John I'm so confused and grossed out and wish I hadn't seen that nasty head of yours. ICK! You better elaborate on that story!

Jen said...

Oh and by the way I have expierenced tickle pain and it's the kind of pain you fill when you sit on the hard part of the seatbelt - yup that's tickle pain. You know when it goes up your bum and it hurts so bad that it tickles! This is starting to sound gross!

JP Anderson said...

Elaboration: I went to put my sniffer closer to the coffee grinder and the corner of the shelf next to it hit me. Jen, there's a picture of Felicia right below the one I just put up, but I should flaunt her a littler more.

Dallmann's said...

Oh my gosh. I can't stop laughing you guys are killing me with your humor. H

Molly Thorne said...

yes yes I agree beautiful picture of your wife. so sorry about your head