Monday, February 4, 2008

"Stand a Little Taller"

I think that we aspire to the standard we hold ourselves to. If you don't expect much from your efforts, you probably won't get much in return. Example: Felicia is always right on when it comes to what she'll score on a test. This last weekend she didn't study as much as she had planned [I hold her back with my impatients toward studying when I think we could do it later and just relax now (refer to blog below) ]. She's taken enough tests that she now knows how prepared she really is. There isn't any question in her own mind. She figured that she'd studied enough to do decent but not ace the test. She got an 86%. Granted it was pathophysiology and she did better than 90% of the class, she's never satisfied with anything less than an "A". Thats her standard. (bragging time: She has 16 A's and two B's on her transcript and she's finished chemistry and math up to Calculis) When it comes to the things in life that we've done time and time again, just like Felicia and tests, I believe we know what to expect and how we'll do, even if we don't want to admit to it. With a different kind of test, I've got this idea that I can sleep in just a few more minutes past the alarm and be just fine. I've done this for as long as I can remember. IT NEVER WORKS OUT and I know that! Thats a standard for me. That standard will never raise until I convince myself that my standard is too low. I know we all have standards in our life big or small that could be raised. If we are not perfecting ourselves now, when will we? "Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little."


Amy said...

What the heck is "skinning the cat"?

JP Anderson said...

Where you crall up the front of you dad while he holds your hands.

Em said...

"i'm awake dad!" *slams nightstand drawer.

i've told you before but i could always tell that the sound of your voice was of a kid yelling at the ceiling from him bed. hehe.

there's another option. be like shawn. KNOW you're going to sleep till noon and be happy about it. haha.

Jen said...

John you have such deep thoughts on this here blog! On another note -WOW Felicia -your amazing!

Amy said...

Felicia your grades are amazing. That's awesome. You are such a dedicated student.