Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I thought you guys would like to see a picture of us scuba diving in Cancun.  Well I don't have one.  But I can't wait to go again!  It was one of those experiences that brought a smile to my face that wouldn't go away.  I know it sounds a little scary or even risky, but you don't even think about that once you're down there....well, I guess Felicia was a little nervous.  How many times do you think of something you'd like to do but never move toward that vision, like it was meant to just be a dream.  Something Felicia and I have made a saying of is, "if you don't do it, you'll never do it".  I'm sure there is something you've been wanting to do that has been floating around in you head.  Well if it's realistic, go do it!  Start by making it a goal with a plan.  I've always believed that God wants more than anything for us to be happy.  "Men are, that they might have joy"  Why not enjoy the good  he has to offer.   


Amy said...

I love your blog. What do you do to those pictures? They're always so cool looking. Good message

Jen said...

thanks for the thoughts J.P. I want to go to Cancun but not scuba diving - no thanks!

Em said...

i like the land. unless my bro's there to pressure me into ocean swimming. lol. :)