Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10 yrs. ago:
That would make me 16 and put me in Burley Idaho.  I was interested in Nintendo 64 with Ross Mitchell (he was also my lawn mowing partner), motorcycle riding with Chay, sneaking around the neighborhood with a laser pointer with Paul, watching David program his computer,  and wondering where I fit in at school.  By the way, girls weren't on my mind much at all but my seminary class wondered who I would go on my first date with.  Little did they know they'd be waiting for a LONG time.  

5 Things on the to do list:
1. Go buy food storage (we already made our list and emergency plan)
2. keep up with homework during spring break
3. get 5 hrs. every night at work
4. do home teaching
5.  make a bus schedule (time to cut back on gas)

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Edamame (I love 'em, can't get enough. Great alternative to popcorn)
2. Felicia's homemade fruit health shakes
3. Farr Better Ice Cream (mostly the get away from homework to walk across the street and see Felicia's eyes light up with delight)
4. Rice Pudding
5. Cereal of course 

What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire?
I would help out a few select somebodies close to me, let Mom build her ultimate dream home now that her backyard is going to be developed, let Felicia go hog wild on her dream home out in the country (like on Fried Green Tomatoes) or in a neighborhood like on Home Alone, buy Felicia and Emily a Dog, buy Jared a Dodge something and Dad a truck, trailer and horses, go on an awesome, adventurous trip with Shawn and Emily, prepay graduate school, and so much more.    

5 places I've lived:
1. Burley
2. Farr West
3. Ogden
4. Chile
5. Weber State Library

5 jobs I've had:
1. lawn mowing
2. janitor at Whalquist
3. several construction jobs
4. UPS
5. AOL, Home Depot, office manager for Mike

5 Things you don't know about me:
1. I thought and still kinda think I have testicular cancer (Mike even had a dream about it)
2. I can bench press twice my weight
3. My car is the only debt I have
4. I am very good a singing parts of real songs to much of what Felicia has to say. (just ask her. She call's me the Human iPod.)
5. I have a stupid nack for being able to identify actors at any stage in their life and what other moves they've played in, whether they are very famous or not.  Felicia will say that EVERYBODY looks familiar to me. 

I tag Em and Scott L. if he read my blog 


Em said...

John. Fantastic blog. I love the picture of Chay and the one of you in your dirt-biking days. Oh the joys of them. Remember when you tried jumping your bike over me? That was real fun. Or when you let me drive your bike? What big brother would let his little sis take the handles of his beloved dirt bike? Only my very very good one.

Go Get your testes checked out bro. Thats not cool!

Amy said...

That was fun to read. Thanks for following up. Love to read your blog.

Jen said...

John, please go to the doctor that's not even slightly funny! Unless of course you don't want kids!!! Is that my Jared you would by a Dodge Something for - in that case I'm sure he thanks you from the bottom of his cute heart! Love you, JEN