Monday, September 29, 2008

New Home Sweet Home

Okay, here I am. As most of you know Felicia and I got to move three times this past summer. That's right, three. Every move was a blessing. You've probably all heard the story so in a nut shell, Felicia and I were on the verge of having very little to no work at all so we had to act fast as our rent was going to eat up all our money. So we moved in with Mom and Dad for six weeks and it was really nice, it was. It's just better to not live with anyone if you're married, I found that out. We were not chosen for an apartment management job we were hoping for and had to make a quick decision on a place to live, including find that place. We did in a matter of two hours on a saturday. Rent was cheap, the place would do, and I borrowed a gun from Dad and kept it under my bed. Okay, so the gun part wasn't so good. The reason for and the item itself made Felicia uneasy. We slept there for one night, went to the Browning's for two, and then slept one last night there. We had finally received the long awaited call from subsidized housing that a place was available immediately. The unit we moved into was the very, former unit of the people who beat us out of the apartment management job. We moved in the weekend before school. Just in time! I will have to brag because I'd feel I wasn't giving credit for our huge blessing that is helping us out so much. Our rent is $68 a month, utilities included. BAM! In the words of Mike Landrum, "you can't rent a gameboy for that cheap". We couldn't be more happy with it and with out neighbors, which mostly consists of fellow ward members. It was nothing short of a miracle to much prayer and fast. Come and visit. We have a spare bedroom. You'll have to bring your own bed though.


Amy said...

Your new place looks great. i'm so glad you got it. Hope everything is going well!

Em said...

yay! its about time. :) granted, i already got the vid chat personal tour so i already know i love it, but I'm so happy you two finally got in. ahhh, just think of all that moolah you can save for something you could OWN in the future. sometimes renting feels like donating to the rich. *sigh

congrats again, love that lamp!

JP Anderson said...

I believe I said "in a nut shell". So maybe not a nutshell but abridged for sure.

Ross said...


You know, for some reason I don't have a hard time believing that Ray Anderson is a good source for guns.

Unknown said...

John & Felicia,

Looks like a wonderful place to call's fun to have your own place as a new couple...I was in Ogden today and thought about you two. Good wishes on all your new adventures.


Ging said...

Yeah for you both. It looks so homey and comfortable,but is that Godzilla on the living room wall?