Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One Year Later

A year and a month ago I was living at Aunt Janet's home to get away from too much congestion.  Too many peoples thoughts, concerns, and emotions had my head cluttered and my heart confused.  I needed time and I needed space.  Felicia so happened to be staying there also and I'm sure that caused even more concern but a better environment I couldn't find.  There I was, with a quiet house, a beautiful, tranquil yard, relatives who just wanted to listen and feed me, and the one other person on earth I needed by my side.  I spent most of my time pondering my past, present, and where I wanted my life to be.  
After a long terrible day of mixed feelings, I got on my knees and pleaded for an answer.  I'd prayed countless times before  in searched for guidance but the Lord knew I was at the end of my rope.  I opened my frustrated and teary eyes and picked up a book I had been reading.  I flipped to a random page and read a highlighted quote that said, "Don't pray so much to have what you'll love, pray to love what you have."           

Felicia and I celebrated our one year anniversary this sunday.  Can you believe that it's been a year already!  Time sure flies by when you're having fun with the one you love.  I remember being asked several times if I was nervous, scared, or anxious.  There's no doubt I had questions before making the decision to ask Felicia to be my wife but after I knew my answer, and I knew it, everything that followed just seemed natural.  I never felt home sick, or out of place in my new apartment and new life.  It was what I was suppose to be doing and my heart nor mind ever questioned again.  I love her so much!  
What a better way to celebrate your anniversary than to give a talk in church with your sweetheart.  Funny how things work out.  The Lord has never stopped answering my question.  
I'm going to attempt to attach our talks.  Felicia's is a must read.  Mine is a bit long but the last page or so has a funny story about how I fell in love with Felicia worth reading.  By the way, she did such a great job.  She had many people thank her and even got a hug from a touched lady in the ward.  



Em said...

I can't look at your wonderful talks while on my iPod but this was a nice blog. I remember being comforted that my poor brother would be okay when I got married when I saw felicia by your side. You two have been the best friend couple ever. Happy anniversary WHENEVER it was. LOL

shawn rowley said...

the thing i like about these blogs is that i get to see i picture painted by the written word. purposly done by the one who paints it . a self portrait. thanks john for letting me see a little of your life. congetulations and let me warn you the honey moon is over in twenty years or so.

shawn rowley said...

uh sorry about the spelling and i don't understand how access the talks. HELP!

Ross said...

Your guys really ate the 1-year cake? Anyway, congrats!

Ging said...

John- I am sorry to be tardy leaving my congratulations. I can't believe a year has passed so quickly. Life is like that though. Thanks for your comments- I know when you follow the Lord's plan you will always have peace. Happy Happy Anniversary!!

Unknown said...

John. As a counterpoint to Mr. Rowley (who was probably joking around, Shawn-style) it only gets BETTER with time...That from a twenty-plus veteran...

Looking forward to celebrating the "other" anniversary...

We love you Brit! said...

John, you already know my feelings about the greatness of you and Falicia! What a compliment for one another. What a great thing to have someone who completes you and helps you become the best you possible. I am glad I was able to spend time with you this past year and to witness the love and devotion you have for your bride! I loved the little notes she would leave you on your white board and the goodies she would send (especially the ones you shared)! You are both deserving of one another! Good luck for the rest of year 2! A 22 year blessed and happy veteran!