Thursday, January 31, 2008

How often do you feel like you've been the best you?  Do you think that when you're at your best during a particularly difficult trial in your life that you are better in other, not as important to your growth, situations.  If my question seems confusing let me give you an example.  My MTC mission president once told me that if you start your day off with a prayer and making your bed that you are more so on your way to having a successful and productive day.  Or my health teacher said that depending on what you first eat each day, whether it be fruit or a piece of candy,  will be a determinant in what the rest of your food for the day will be like. Like it puts you in a rhythm.  I ask this because I feel like I was put up against the wall in a very intense situation the other day and because I had already decided what kind of day I was going to have I felt I handled myself very well, things were settled without getting ugly and even ended on a positive note.  Pondering on that situation and others like it that I have had I came to realize, better now than before, that I am in charge of MY life and I have been put here on earth to succeed.  We were never set up for failure in the Great Plan.  That isn't to say that we wont have trials and ups and downs, but that we are deciders of our own outcome.  We cannot control what others say and do to us but we can decide how it is going to effect us.  Will we walk away hurt...or will we walk away stronger.
Thinking about that gave me a boost of self confidence that set the momentum for the rest of the day and even the week.  It may sound like I just had a good day but things haven't been better in my somewhat new life.  I will have to give my AWSOME wife the majority of the credit because she is the one that pointed that out to me and inspires me to do my best at what ever it is I do.  Emily has always been an example of that but she never expected me to do the same.  Mom and Dad have always tried to explain that to us but coming to the realization of that yourself is very powerful.  


Amy said...

Wow John! First, let me comment on the new layout. Love it. Second, that was some deep thinking, and I couldn't agree more. It's all about choices and those are our own. It only stinks when I choose to be a grump. Our Stake President urged us to start our day with scripture study to prepare for the day and set our frame of mind. I thought it was great instruction.

Em said...

I completely know how you feel John. I wrote a note and put in on the top of my alarm clock that says "Be Nice. Be Happy." I feel like it really helps me be a better friend, sister, wife and better me.

Kudos for handling a prickly situation well. I know that adrenaline rush when you realize you just aced a test, and its the same (or better) when you realized you totally passed one of life's tests. :D

or as mom says. You go boy.

Jen said...

I like the new layout too. John thanks for the post - we just recently had a FHE teaching our kids that its your decision if your going to be happy or sad each and every day and no one, not anyone with their hurtful words or actions can change that. Thanks for your example J.P.

Love you. JEN