Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sir Douglas von Cypress

I know the majority of the readers of this blog have meet our newest family member Doug but I don't feel like he's been formally introduced.  We picked him up from Cedar City two weeks ago yesterday.  Much do our dismay he was much larger than the pictures online showed.  Felicia thought she'd be able to carry him around in her purse but soon realized she didn't even want to let him sit on her lap too long. We've finally decided the full registered name for Doug is, "Sir Douglas von Cypress". "Sir" because he is such a gentleman, "Douglas" because we love the name, "von" which is German for "from" and "Cypress" which is the family Cedar trees come from. Hence he is "The gentleman Douglas from Cedar" or Cedar City that is.    Just one week after we got him he developed "cherry eye", which is  common with the breed, and we had to send him into surgery to get it fixed.  That explains the cone on his head.  Doug is full of personality and funny antics which keeps us smiling and laughing.  His puppy eyes and quick desire to please bodes well for him because the desire to drown him is often there.  Doug has had a particularly rough day today and has heard the word "NO!" way too many times for one day.  Well when he went to Mom and Dad's for lunch he decided to get back at us by plopping a dirt clod into Felicia's shoe.  



Em said...

I'm in love with your little pot-bellied von Cyprus. :) The head cone takes the ridiculousness to a whole to cute level. ahhhhh.

thank you sosososososo SO much! for finally sharing!

Amy said...

Cute videos. I love the one of him chewing the ice. I think I could watch in in that head shield for a long time.

shawn rowley said...

i love the doug. beware he is armed with more than dirt clods.

and now each of you have a fall guy for unclaimed nocturnal gas!

and don't pretend thats not why you bought the third most gassy dog breed in existance...

Jen said...

I love that little Dougy boy! He is soooo funny in that little cone of his. I can't wait to show Anna the video! She's in LOVE with that Doug the dog!

Unknown said...

Doug is SO the man...we'll dog-sit anytime...after we ask Griffey, of course!

Anonymous said...

This post was great-o! I especially liked the breakdown of the name. Pretty soon that pup will be a doggy, so don't be too mad at the little conehead. Haha

Terri said...

Dougey is huge! He is a cute pup that comes in handy when he eats your _____ or wets on your____ uou feel in the blank.

Ging said...

I too have deep and abiding love for Sir Douglas. We haven't stopped talking about him since spending the night. The photo with his cone-head in the grass is a contest winner. If you ever need a dog-sitter we are well qualified. So go on a trip already cuz Griff needs a cousin.