Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nurse Dummy (that's me)

Do you remember as a kid playing house, cops and robbers, lost kids in the weed-fort, H&R Block (for only a very select few) or Doctor? That was fun. Now that we've all got our intern hours out of the way we get to practice some of these skills on a daily basis in the real world. (Make sure your kids are doing the right internship so they don't grow up to be a "lost kid" or a "robber") Anyway, as most of you know, Felicia is doing her internship, known as clinical hours, as a nurse. (That was a lot of commas) She gets to do a practicum in a made up scenario on a dummy and then practice her new skill in a real life situation at the hospital during her clinical hours. This past week was extra exciting for her. She learned how to put things in patients like drugs through an i.v., nasal gastic tubes, urinary catheters, depositories, and i.v.'s themselves. Then, as explained earlier, she got to practice all of those friendly skills on real people. Well she felt quite confident in herself in all of the above learned skills except for one, i.v.'s. She'd got to practice on a dummy but they don't let you practice on one another during nursing school anymore. Well the instructors know that practice makes perfect so they turned a "blind eye" as some of the students, including Felicia, took some i.v.'s home to practice on the brave or stupid. She confronted me with her real life practice problem and asked if I'd volunteer my hand to her for a minute. "Sure!" I don't mind needles. I get stuck by a 16 gauge needle twice a week for an hour at a time. A little 22 gauge needle won't be but a little prick. Right? Well the pictures below will tell the rest of the story. Just a little advice for anyone planning on sticking a needle in someone. Don't do it so slow that you can see your skin dimple before the needle break through. It feels really gross. Especially when it has a catheter attached.

Notice the paleness 
(zoom really close and you might see beads of sweat)


Unknown said...

I'll be sure not to mention this to my friends at the American Medical Association...this is certainly a sign of true love, John.

shawn rowley said...

you are a great husband and a moderately good pin cushon

Jen said...

That was funny stuff! I'm pretty sure that is illegal in most states! I wish I could zoom in - that was priceless! Good sport JOhnny Boy!


John, although that is not something I am about to volunteer for I am sure you survived the trauma. Here's to cheering that great wife of yours to surviving her experience! I think I can speak for the whole family that we are impressed and proud of you both. Can I borrow some money in 10 or so years?

Em said...

ok so the needle picture was gross but seeing you lay there all pale and bandaged. ahhhh it really brings the story to my heart. poor brother. :)

she'll have to keep practicing on the unconscious for now.

p.s. cute header pic and THANKS for the blog!

Amy said...

You are brave indeed (no offense to Felicia). I am simply terrified of needles. I hate them. I despise them. Anyone who gets to poke them always comments on how "great they look" and then 4 tries later they lament how difficult they are. I do love a nurse who can put in an i.v. with no pain, but I have fought off a few (I don't remember it though, that's just what they told me!). Go Felicia. I'm just glad she practiced the i.v. on you instead of the catheter, right ;)

Terri said...

I have lost my fear of needles, Im game Ill be a practice dummy (smartie) I mean. I think the hand is really much harder and more painful than the inside of the elbow. I wont do a head and no thanks to the catheter!!

I think it is awesome that you both like the same field of work you will always have so much to share that the other totally understands.I cant comprehend a curved handrail or a miter saw.

Ging said...

Way to be John! I can only assume that the tables will turn when you are the one with the needle? I will let you practice on me Felicia. I have a great vein that my phlebotomist refers to as a "garden hose" I get my blood taken often enough that I am not afraid of needles and I don't get pale (Or you can't tell I am because of my skin color)

Me and More said...

Your a good hubby but I was thinking that Felicia would never have tried such a thing on you if she wasn't truly confident that she would harm you in any way. Are you just faking? I also wondered if we could barrow some money from you in about 5 years?